poetry by kiara nicole letcher

Hold Out Your Tongue

Lust tastes like cherry limeade 
heart massive and indulgent

I am opening like the zipper 
on the back of a party dress

My feelings are the deep end of a swimming pool
leave me here with my heady escapism  

Daydream dripping from my lips
reverie the color of magenta breaking through trees

If you pull me back
do so by my throat.

Kiara Nicole Letcher is the author of Scream Queen (The Orchard Street Press, 2019). She received her MFA from The University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2014. Her first full length collection, Oxblood, is forthcoming, (Agape Editions, 2024). Her work has appeared in Green Mountains Review, Plainsongs Magazine, Adelaide Magazine, Alice Says Go Fuck Yourself, and is forthcoming in South Dakota Review.


jasmine young

