Meet the Editors: Alison Brackett

In celebration of submissions opening, we are reintroducing ourselves! Get to know our editors—today with Fiction editor, Alison Brackett!

Who or what is your biggest inspiration as a writer/editor/artist?

These days, I mostly draw inspiration from the world around me—books I’m reading, songs I’ve listened to, TV shows I’m watching, bits and pieces of real life. I find that others creativity is very inspiring to me. Whether it’s a book series or an emotional song, I’m always left wanting to pick up the pen and write. 

What drew you to the genre(s) you edit at Mulberry Literary?

I’ve always loved fiction. It’s the escape for me. Sometimes we all need a break and, for me, fiction is exactly that—it takes me away to another world, another place, another time—just for a moment. So of course, nothing sounded better than being able to not just edit, but edit fiction. 

What got you into editing in the first place?

As a writer and avid reader, I’ve always been the friend to help edit papers or other pieces of work but it wasn’t until college that I really discovered my passion for editing in Hair Trigger Magazine at Columbia College Chicago. I’m not sure if it’s my love for reading or my perfectionist nature, but I loved the creativity that surrounded me and I found a calling in it. 

What draws you to literary and/or art spaces?

For me, there’s a comforting energy that lives within these literary and art spaces—it’s almost like greeting an old friend. It is both nostalgic yet new and ever-changing. I also enjoy these spaces because I’m constantly surrounded by so much knowledge, history, and creativity.

Do you have a routine that puts you into the editorial headspace? 

I wish I had a set routine, but it’s never the same. I like to get comfortable, whether I’m set up in bed or at my desk, and I like to feel at ease. I’ll usually put some instrumental music on in the background or occasionally I’ll light a candle. I’ll always grab a snack or some type of fun drink.

Do you have a go-to reading/editing spot? What’s the coolest reading spot you know of?

My favorite thing is to be comfortable so my go-to reading and editing spot is in my bed, propped up with pillows and under a blanket. If I’m feeling extra-productive, I’ll set myself up at my desk. 

Anything new and exciting you’re working on or working toward as an artist, writer, and/or editor?

I’ve really been dedicating my time to my career as a marketing proofreader and throwing myself into that work, but I decided that this year I want to make writing a priority again and put my efforts into a longer and larger piece. I have a lot (maybe too many) ideas that I’m going through now, but my ultimate goal is to give myself more space to write. 

Alison Brackett is a marketing proofreader and writer living in Chicago. She received her BA in Creative Writing from Columbia College Chicago. Her primary focuses are fiction and nonfiction, and you can often find her reading or working away at her first novel.

She has been a production and assistant editor for Hair Trigger Magazine, as well as an editor for Horizons. Her work has been published in Hair Trigger Magazine and has won awards with the Illinois Skyway Collegiate Conference Writers Competition and Festival.


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